Covid-19 : les grands oubliés du télétravail

Covid-19: the forgotten side of teleworking

A few days ago, a survey conducted by Odoxa-Adviso Partners estimated that there are 5.1 million people teleworking in France during this period of covid-19 health crisis. This means that 3.3 million employees have the possibility to work remotely, in addition to the 1.8 million who already occasionally had this possibility before. This flexibility is excellent news for our economy because it allows us to maintain part of the nation’s productive force, and also to save a few billion in… Read More >>


ATAWAD: What about security?

The term ATAWAD, which stands for “Anytime, Anywhere, Any Device”, refers to a fundamental trend made possible by the hyper-connectivity and interoperability of devices used by everyone. However, this expression omits an essential aspect, which in this case involves hyper-connectivity and interoperability: security. ATAWAD: What is it? ATAWAD is the fact of having access to your applications regardless of the device used, anywhere and anytime. For example, if you watch a program on a VOD platform such as Netflix at… Read More >>

Workplace Experience

Workplace Experience, a challenge for companies in 2020?

The Workplace Experience corresponds to all the experiences of an employee within an organization. These experiences will be decisive for his professional development, his ability to create value by aggregating skills and knowledge through a maximized collaboration, and ultimately to participate to the achievement of the organization’s objectives. Keys to a successful Workplace Experience The availability of a unique work environment, regardless of the access device, regardless of whether the user is at the company’s premises or on the move,… Read More >>

Authentification continue

Continuous Authentication : When Behavioral Analysis Guarantees Your Identity

Many authentication methods exist nowadays. The most well-known of them is by using the login/password pair. For a better secured access to the information system, many organizations have implemented a multi-factor authentication (MFA), especially for IS administrators. But once authenticated, what guarantees that it is the same person behind the screen, mouse or keyboard? Continuous authentication : what is it ? Continuous authentication is a permanent authentication based on the user’s behavior on the workstation. Via the Machine Learning, a… Read More >>

The human face of the workplace

The human face of the workplace

A world without users? “Automation”, “DevOps”, “Robotic Process Automation” (RPA), bots, chatbots and other robots, “artificial intelligence” (AI), … According to some people, users will disappear from the scene: the omnipresence of computing, called “digital”, will eventually replace them, do everything for them, and even do more and better than they do. Clearly, as the French song goes, “we are very little things, …”. Will dematerialization go so far as to dematerialize the user? Is there anyone still behind the… Read More >>

Home Office

Telework: how to access your enterprise IS securely from home?

On my way to telework, I got telepunched for over speeding on the information highway… and it cost me a hell of a telefine! Philippe GELUCK (“Le tour du chat en 365 jours”) Starting with the Macron Ordonnance of September 2017, any employee can request to telework in France. Besides revolutionizing managerial rules, telework allows an adapted organization of professional time by and for an employee. It should be reminded that, by definition, telework is performed outside the employer’s premises… Read More >>