Secure Access Service Edge

Secure Access Service Edge: A Paradigm Shift

The network and network security world is experiencing, like any other technology, its digital revolution. The traditional vision of “inside the firewall” and “outside the firewall” has been shattered: Internet has become the network of the extended enterprise. Secure Access Service Edge: Trends Leading to a Paradigm Shift Moving from a “network-centric” architecture to a “user-centric” and “application-centric” architecture. On the one hand, the cloud and the decentralization of servers and applications in disparate clouds; on the other hand, the… Read More >>

Covid-19 : les grands oubliés du télétravail

Covid-19: the forgotten side of teleworking

A few days ago, a survey conducted by Odoxa-Adviso Partners estimated that there are 5.1 million people teleworking in France during this period of covid-19 health crisis. This means that 3.3 million employees have the possibility to work remotely, in addition to the 1.8 million who already occasionally had this possibility before. This flexibility is excellent news for our economy because it allows us to maintain part of the nation’s productive force, and also to save a few billion in… Read More >>

Authentification continue

Continuous Authentication : When Behavioral Analysis Guarantees Your Identity

Many authentication methods exist nowadays. The most well-known of them is by using the login/password pair. For a better secured access to the information system, many organizations have implemented a multi-factor authentication (MFA), especially for IS administrators. But once authenticated, what guarantees that it is the same person behind the screen, mouse or keyboard? Continuous authentication : what is it ? Continuous authentication is a permanent authentication based on the user’s behavior on the workstation. Via the Machine Learning, a… Read More >>

The human face of the workplace

The human face of the workplace

A world without users? “Automation”, “DevOps”, “Robotic Process Automation” (RPA), bots, chatbots and other robots, “artificial intelligence” (AI), … According to some people, users will disappear from the scene: the omnipresence of computing, called “digital”, will eventually replace them, do everything for them, and even do more and better than they do. Clearly, as the French song goes, “we are very little things, …”. Will dematerialization go so far as to dematerialize the user? Is there anyone still behind the… Read More >>

les dangers du social login

The risks of Social Login

You have seen it before, or even already used it to connect to a website, the social login seduces because of the simplification and time saving it provides to Internet users. This is a unique authentication form that allows users to connect to different sites or applications through identity providers, for example via their Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple or LinkedIn accounts, to name just a few. Technically, behind the social login, there are identity federation technologies, which allow to use… Read More >>

reasons to deploy SSO

6 reasons to deploy an SSO solution

The Single-Sign-On (SSO) allows users to access their applications by logging in only once. They then have access to all their resources without having to enter their credentials for each application. Companies and organizations have many reasons to implement this type of solution; among them, we can mention the following six major advantages: Time saving: By logging in only once per session, users will save time, as well as the IT support which will be less likely to be contacted… Read More >>

Security is not an obstacle

I hurry to laugh at everything, for fear of having to cry about it. Pierre DAC There are three main areas of information systems security (ISS): awareness, physical security and information technology (implementation ways). About awareness, here is a small selection of sentences I have already heard over the past twenty years (unfortunately, this is not an exhaustive list): Security is useless and expensive! There’s nothing secret about what we do. It’s complicated! You’re frankly paranoid… Regarding the complexity of… Read More >>

Ständige Authentifizierung in der Cyber-Welt

Continuous authentication in Cyberia

Security is a matter of compromise, a balance between confidentiality and convenience, control and efficiency. While it would be easy to restrict access to an Information System in order to protect sensitive business data, it would become impossible to make it a tool for productivity and growth, especially at a time when openness and collaboration are taken for granted. At the same time, the strict control and monitoring of “power” users has become of crucial importance given the recent cases… Read More >>

Home Office

Telework: how to access your enterprise IS securely from home?

On my way to telework, I got telepunched for over speeding on the information highway… and it cost me a hell of a telefine! Philippe GELUCK (“Le tour du chat en 365 jours”) Starting with the Macron Ordonnance of September 2017, any employee can request to telework in France. Besides revolutionizing managerial rules, telework allows an adapted organization of professional time by and for an employee. It should be reminded that, by definition, telework is performed outside the employer’s premises… Read More >>

In the age of artificial intelligence, nothing new… really?

The year 2017 was marked by numerous issues in the cyber domain. We can mention the successive ransomware waves but also the imminent arrival of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) which is the subject of many conferences, posts, forum topics, etc. Another great subject was the “second birth” of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Concerning the artificial intelligence (AI), we are still far from Skynet from Terminator, I can assure you. However, it has to be said that a… Read More >>