Bertin IT

Bertin IT is a company of the CNIM industrial group, Bertin IT is a French Tech specialized in Cyber Security and Cyber Intelligence. This software publisher relies on more than 15 years of collaboration with the French Ministry of the Armed Forces on issues of compartmentalization of classified information and open source intelligence.
Bertin IT has designed CrossinG®, a Cross Domain Solution appliance for companies, which allows information to be exchanged in a totally secure manner while maintaining total isolation :

  • In the nuclear industry, to secure data from temperature or pressure sensors to the regulatory authority.
  • In the media, to import images from news reports into the production control room of the 8pm news bulletin.
  • In companies, to secure the import of software updates into the datacenter administration network.
    The benefits are numerous:
  • Ensuring rapid regulatory compliance at a lower cost for functions recommended by the ANSSI (French National Agency for Health and Social Services)
  • Develop a preventive versus reactive security approach
  • Ensuring infrastructure resilience and resource integrity
  • Preventing intrusion into a critical network