MD6 est une Entreprise de Services du Numérique.
Elle Urbanise l’infrastructure de votre SI pour vous préparer à l’entreprise 4.0 en revisitant  l’architecture des données.
«  L’entreprise 4.0 » est un concept qui se fonde sur une organisation

MD6 is a Digital Services Company.
It urbanizes your IS infrastructure to prepare you for Enterprise 4.0 by revisiting the data architecture.
“Enterprise 4.0” is a concept based on a connected, digital and neural organization.
Thus we help you to

  • Choose the best scenario adapted to your context
  • Integrate connected objects
  • Paying attention to the basics of security
  • Putting preventive tools in place to ensure the security of your assets

We set up agile architectures that go hand in hand with an information system that supports the company’s business lines with a constant dynamic of their transformation.